Theatre Major
I chose Heidelberg because I felt so welcomed by everyone in the Theater Department. I also chose Heidelberg because my older sister, Lindsay Helmholtz, was attending school here and I wanted to have a similar experience!
I majored in Theater with a concentration in acting because it has always been a dream of mine to be able to tell stories through performance. I knew that I would get a well-rounded education in theater by attending Heidelberg!
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was finding a way to balance my time. As someone who accelerated their course of study, while also trying to maintain a social life, I found it was very difficult to balance all of my classes, theater activities, and extracurriculars. I handled it by finding my support people. My close friends really helped me find the balance especially if it was as hanging out just to do homework. My friends are the reason that I was able to thrive at Heidelberg.
The best opportunity I discovered at Heidelberg was the Lichtman-Behm Lecture Series. This lecture series brought in guest lecturers who were experts in Genocide prevention or genocide education. The opportunity to participate in the lecture series opened my horizons and has allowed my understanding of what I want to do with my life to become more clear.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in multiple Greek groups including Rho Eta Delta, Zeta Theta Psi corollary and Euglossian Society corollary. I was also a member of the theater honorary Alpha Psi Omega and the improv group Make-A-Scene. I was head of Jewish Student Life and the student ambassador for the Lichtman-Behm Lecture Series.
The thing I'm most proud of about my Heidelberg accomplishments is the fact that I was able to be the first student to direct a mainstage show in Gundlach theater. It was the biggest single challenge while also being the most satisfying accomplishment I have completed up to this point in my life.
One faculty mentor who impacted my 'Berg experience is Dr. Carol Dusdieker because she was always trying to make sure I did my best. We had many arguments and I was definitely a thorn in her side, but she has supported me and allowed me to thrive in the Theater Department more than I ever thought I'd be able to. She was my academic advisor, voice professor, and mentor and without her I would not have had nearly as many opportunities during my time at Heidelberg. She also stood up for me and put her trust in me multiple times allowing me to grow as a theater artist.
My advice to new freshman me would be to do what you want to do. Don't let others tell you what good or bad experiences are, but instead have those experiences. That is how college becomes fun by experiencing all of it, the good and the bad.
My favorite Heidelberg memory was the opening night of the show "One Man, Two Guvnors." I have never experienced a crowd that energized for a mainstage show. Seeing so many students and the majority of Greek life there has become a permanent memory for me. All of that support and fun was a moment I will never forget, nor do I want to forget it.
My plans after graduation are to pursue professional stage directing and acting! I will be moving to the Northeast to surround myself more with the arts and try to start my career.